November 26, 2008

Take a walk...

Josie and Caillee walked me to class last night. Hubby had Josie’s leash and I had Caillee’s leash; I had a good time on my walk with them. They all picked me up after class too but with the car; too bad, I was ready and willing to walk all the way back home.

Right now, both are eating carrots. Lately I have been giving carrots as after dinner treats. I usually always get those baby carrots and the girls do seems to like them much. Hyacinth ate the baby carrots and sometimes Josie did too. Both Caillee and Josie seem to really like the regular carrots you would normally buy at the grocery store before the stores offered baby carrots. Josie doesn’t seem to eat it all and leave carrots everywhere…. Caillee just wants to eat all the crumbs but Josie won’t let her. The crumbs are all hers!

I was looking for a recent photo of Caillee and Josie together to use but I couldn’t find one that I wanted to use. I found some that I don’t think I have ever posted on line but have some funny stories behind them. I could use that of Josie and Caillee when we went to Morden Manitoba three summers ago. I came across a really nice one of Hyacinth and Caillee together. I totally forgot about this photo and its so dear to me. Hyacinth, I promise I won’t forget you.

Secret Lives of Pretty In Pink Dogs

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