April 17, 2006

I'm back from Alberta - the Dog-Kingdom of Canada

I’m back from Edmonton and I’m finally home with Mommy, Daddy, and Josie. I know my mommy missed me and she was so excited about all the ribbons I brought home. Honestly, I don’t see what the big deal is about. I just went out and had a ton of fun with mommy but with Laurel and some of my doggie buddies instead.

I don’t think I liked the water because I got a little sick and wasn’t able to make it for the specialty show that weekend. Laurel was a little disappointed but how can anyone be disappointed with me – I’m way too cute!

I even tried to cuddle my way out of being on the table in the show ring. Being all cuddly usually works, gets me into and out of so many things; didn’t work that time though.

All and all, I am glad to be home and do some cuddling with my mommy.


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