May 18, 2016

Tail Waggers Waffle Bites

Mouth watering waffles.

Prep time: 1 hour

1⁄2 c rolled oats
1⁄2 c corn meal
1 c whole wheat flour
1⁄4 c wheat bran or oat bran
1 T oil
1 c beef broth
1   egg (beaten)
1⁄4 t baking powder

In a medium bowl mix together the dry ingredients, rolled oats, corn meal, flour, bran and baking powder. In a large measuring cup mix together oil, broth and egg. Add to dry ingredients and stir to make a thick batter. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto a hot greased WAFFLE IRON. Bake till done, approximately 2 minutes. Remove from waffle iron and place on cookie sheet. Bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes for a soft chewie waffle or for 60 minutes for a crunchy waffle.

This recipe was provided by Suzanne McKay. Find more of her recipes at or visit her website, an in-depth look at everything Havanese at Suzanne is also an award winning author, you can check out her latest works at

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