July 9, 2011

Poor hubby on feeding dogs

I just finished writing up a one page document on how to feed the dogs for my hubby. Seriously, it was one full page. The page was nicely spaced out and I used headers to make the document look nice but that is beside the point.

In the document I indicated when and how much to feed each dogs. I also included instructions which supplement to give; how much, and when to give supplements to either all dogs or for a specific dog. This is all, of course, based on the size/weight, age, and activity level of each dog.

After reviewing the document and then printing it out, I realized “No wonder the poor guy has so much trouble feeding my dogs!”.

As I type this, I just realized I forgot to note that Josie gets one capsule of glucosamine each morning for her joints. Sigh, just when I thought I was finished!

Secret Lives of Pretty In Pink Dogs

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