September 18, 2007

I feel like I am losing the battle...

I feel like I am losing the battle to get them to like something other than their mother's milk. Mind you it just a gruel right now but I think its a pretty nice gruel, formula & baby cereal. It looks and smells like a nice little mush. They really like it the other day when I used chicken broth instead of formula. Yup, they liked that. Today I tried the same thing. Nope, didn't care for it. That with or with ground beef.... nope nope nope.....

I know I will win this little battle. I feel teeth coming in. I felt a few that have broke through the surface. Until then, I am their amusement every so often in the day. I also realize that there is no rush there is still time. There isn't many of those teeth coming in just yet and they aren't that big yet. Come six weeks girls, there will be a war coming on and I will win! And you will love the mush I give you.... muhahahaha (evil laugh)

Secret Lives of my Pretty In Pink Dogs

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